I believe for some, the Fossil Q watches have been flying under the radar. Fossil’s smart/hybrid watches have been on the market for a while now but I haven’t heard or seen much about them. The smart watches have fully digital screens that give you notifications, text alerts, and everything else that you expect from a smart watch with the addition of being very stylish. The one issue I have with the Apple Watch is the fact that you can tell it is a smart watch even though you can change bands. I am a fan of the more classic styling I see from Fossil. The hybrid smartwatches really stole the show for me. I am a watch lover but I also enjoy my Fitbit. You have a lot of the functionality of other smart watches/activity trackers but also the style of an everyday watch. I don’t like that I have to choose between a watch and my Fitbit. This has solved my dilemma. These watches will run you about 175+ which is comparable with most smart watches on the market. Check out the <a href=”https://www.fossil.com/us/en/watches/mens-watches/fossil-q.orderBy3.pageNumber2.html”>Fossil</a> site for more.

Alena Alambeigi