While roaming the floors for CES 2017, I ran across the Royole Moon. I initially thought that this was a VR headset. In reality, this is like wearing a TV screen. The Royole Moon connects to various devices (console, PC, etc) via HDMI. It is made of plastic, metal, and leather. It is really comfortable on the head and ears. The sound the image quality is pretty good. The headphones are noise cancelling and the display is full 1080p and simulates an 800″ curved display. This product has a lot of bells and whistles but I am not sure if it is worth the price. At 800 dollars, I think consumers should really do some research before purchasing.
There are a few things that you need to know about the Royole Moon. This is a headset used to display content. Like I said before, this is done through HDMI and it also has USB ports for your own media. This is not a VR headset. With a price tag of 800 dollars, this would be competing with the HTC Vive and Oculus Rift. Without VR capabilities, it is a little hard for me to personally justify the price. In the coming months/years, Microsoft will be partnering with various companies to provide VR headsets and prices starting around 300 bucks. I am not sure of the build quality or resolution of these devices but they could provide some hefty competition.
There are many features that make this device very interesting. It is made for travel and it is fully collapsible. The menus are also navigated using a built in touch technology built into the headset. If I had an unlimited budget, I’d buy this right now. Maybe the company will come with a lower priced model in the future. I have done some research and I have seen similar products with a similar price point. I just wonder if the VR headsets hitting the marking diminish the need for something like this?
If you want to find more information about the Royole Moon, you can check out their site HERE.

I believe for some, the Fossil Q watches have been flying under the radar. Fossil’s smart/hybrid watches have been on the market for a while now but I haven’t heard or seen much about them. The smart watches have fully digital screens that give you notifications, text alerts, and everything else that you expect from a smart watch with the addition of being very stylish. The one issue I have with the Apple Watch is the fact that you can tell it is a smart watch even though you can change bands. I am a fan of the more classic styling I see from Fossil. The hybrid smartwatches really stole the show for me. I am a watch lover but I also enjoy my Fitbit. You have a lot of the functionality of other smart watches/activity trackers but also the style of an everyday watch. I don’t like that I have to choose between a watch and my Fitbit. This has solved my dilemma. These watches will run you about 175+ which is comparable with most smart watches on the market. Check out the <a href=”https://www.fossil.com/us/en/watches/mens-watches/fossil-q.orderBy3.pageNumber2.html”>Fossil</a> site for more.

At CES 2017, I saw the true potential of wireless charging. The company Humavox has created a technology called ETERNA. This technology allows wireless charging to be implemented into various surfaces and objects. This way, charging wireleslly fits naturally into the daily life of the user. The power is transferred through radio freqeuncies and this is converted into DC energy. Thunderlink(TM) is the technology that is used as the receiver of energy. Nest(TM) is the power transmitter that converts the energy received from Thunderlink and creates the charging process. Now initially this all didn’t make much sense until we took a look around the booth. We saw many sets of headphones laying around the booth on different surfaces. They showed us how things could be charge just by placing them in a bowl or a jar. Everything really clicked when they pulled a PS4 controller out of a drawer and placed in on the table and it immediately started charging. That’s when everyone knew that this was legit. The crowd literally went crazy. The technology is so small and can be implemented in almost any electronic device. I can’t wait to see the future of wireless charging. Check out the Humavox site for more information.

Lost Odyssey is a game that I started back on the Xbox 360. It is one of the earlier and better JRPGs on the console. If I remember correctly, Lost Odyssey has the most discs (4) of all games released on the Xbox 360. This was already going to be an issue for me since I never finish games. I was able to make it through the first disc while playing on 360. Now that the game is backwards compatible on the Xbox, I am going to try my best to finish it. Hopefully streaming will assist me with doing so. Here are my first two sessions. You can also follow me on Twitch and catch the stream.

Nintendo finally showed us the Nintendo NX/ Nintendo Switch this morning and it looks like all of the rumors were true. This will be a dockable tablet console with small controllers that attach to the sides. No specs were shown in this trailer and I don’t care. This is what Nintendo needed to do in order to get people excited again. There are a few things that I want to note from this video:
- The console may/will be backwards compatible. We saw Splatoon show up many times
- The console will be able to play games like Skyrim (remastered?)
- Zelda
The Nintendo Switch will release March 2017

PAX West was dope this year. My first day I grabbed my press badge and headed over to the Logitech G gaming party. Before we left, we got to take home one of the Logitech G403 Prodigy wireless gaming mice. It’s a great gaming mouse for a decent price. Check out the video for more info on the mouse.
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